
Pr. Alain BURGER

  • Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, U.F.R Sciences, Institut de Chimie de Nice, UMR CNRS 7272, 28 avenue de Valrose, 06108 Nice, Cedex 2, France
  • +33 4 92 07 61 52 
    +33 4 92 07 61 52


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The team works in particular on themes oriented towards the design and application of nucleoside and oligonucleotide analogues as therapeutic and biological tools. One of the important activities concerns the development of tools to study nucleic acid/protein interactions. Our approach is interdisciplinary: the chemistry of biological processes is studied by physical methods (spectroscopy) based on the skills of organic chemistry and biological chemistry present in the team. One of the major challenges of the post-genomic and proteomic era concerns the characterization and quantification of protein/nucleic acid interactions. In addition to the fundamental aspects of these studies, they also aim to understand the molecular bases of various diseases and to establish high-throughput diagnostic and screening methods. To achieve these objectives, it is nevertheless necessary to have nucleobases sensitive to environmental changes which disturb at least the structure and the function of these nucleic acids. In this context we explored the access to new tools based on different nucleic acid labeling approaches and in particular in the development of new fluorescence probes.